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Sports Performance


Leave your competitors in the dust and stay injury free

"Why your chosen sport is storing up problems for the future....and a simple, proven and effective way to dramatically increase your performance.....guaranteed"

Whether you're a professional competing at the highest level or amateur playing for fun, Posture Correction holds the key to obtaining a sure-fire advantage in your game and preventing the likelihood of injury.

Hi, I want to share with you an often-neglected secret of athletic performance and injury prevention. You see, whether you're professional or amateur, playing tennis for fun, a member of a local rugby or football team, a triathlete or golfer, there is almost no doubt that your chosen sport is creating imbalances throughout your body.....and potential for injuries at a later date.

The simple solution is to correct your postural imbalances and muscular weaknesses, making you more powerful, balanced and co-ordinated. And not just building core strength with generic 'one size fits all' exercises but with an individually-tailored program that takes into account your chosen sport, any injuries and your personal strengths, weaknesses, goals and aspirations.

It's so obvious and so important, yet few people will do it - and with that comes the risk of injury, pain and diminished performance.

From years of experience working with everyone from Olympians to amateurs or club players, I know this will deliver these proven results:

  • Increased power
  • Enhanced speed/better movement
  • Greater control
  • Improved flexibility/joint mobility
  • Improved core strength
  • Injury prevention

"I have trained with top coaches all my life but have never been given the information regarding posture and body alignment than I had in my assessment with Jan."
Sam Cooke

As more people realise the benefits of this program, my schedule has become crazy! I get referrals every day from medical professionals including Chiropractors, Osteopaths and one of the UK's leading surgeons. I'm booked solid for weeks in advance, even though the majority of the program is followed by clients in their own gym or home!

I have clients who travel from across the UK for Posture Correction Training with me in person at my gym in Cheltenham, England. Some clients even see me on a weekly basis just for the core stretching program available free on this site!

As an NCSA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, along with accreditations in (amongst other sports) Rugby and Tennis, I've worked with amateur and professional athletes in all fields to improve their game. Plus I have competed in these and other disciplines so I know what it's like to be in your position!

"All-round knowledge of sports conditioning second to none. We have already noticed a huge improvement in the movement and fitness levels of the players"
Colin Bennet, Head Coach National Performance Tennis

More and more sportsmen and women are beginning to take advantage – by now I'm sure you realise the benefits – and the potential costs if the worst happens. What is the alternative if you sustain an injury or ignore the warning signs?

  • Diminished performance or enjoyment?
  • Supports?
  • Braces?
  • Supplements / muscle balms / pain killers?
  • Battling through the pain?
  • ...even surgery!?
  • Early or forced retirement from the game you love?
  • Loss of earnings as a professional athlete?

I sincerely hope that you won't have to face these. I'd love for you to stack the odds in your favour so that you can not only enjoy your chosen sport injury-free for as long as you wish, but also excel and compete to your greatest ability.

"If you're not doing this, your competition is. If you're playing for fun – ensure you can keep enjoying it. "

If you've read this far, chances are you're ready to learn more. And you should know that if you do decide to go ahead with the program, you have a cast-iron, one-month guarantee that if the program is not for you, then you will receive a 100% money-back refund, no questions asked.

The prelimianry Posture Correction program takes place over four months, with three different training sessions each week and a whole new routine every month. Many clients see results within the first few sessions and by the time the program is complete, a majority of clients choose to continue to train with me.

Try the keller posture programme, including access to video workouts for 14 days free of charge.